Monday, March 16, 2009

Lego Yoda Stands Big!

On March 1st, I went to a Lego Master Building Event. Tons of kids built large versions of regular Lego bricks (2x4 brick) and the Lego Master used them to construct a 8 ft tall Yoda. This is the model he used as a guide. The large Yoda was mostly done except for his head. We all got cool certificates with our name on them for helping.
Yoda was big, alright!


  1. Wow Sam! I am impressed. What other things did you see?

    Love...Aunt Dorothy

  2. The Foley Boys wish they were there too!

  3. Hey Sam,
    Seems like you had a blast!!! you need to show me all your cool stuff you can build with your legos
